Made a few changes

…to my website. Tightened up the text, changed the message in “About The Silver Charm” – which you’ll enjoy if you liked Shakespeare in Love as much as I did. I should have an all new website up in the next couple of weeks (yes, I’ve been saying that forever), but I got tired of how the old one looked. Let me know what you think.

Oh, and the Chocolate Festival. DISAPPOINTED!! So, apparently they couldn’t find enough chocolate vendors (!!) so they had two – TWO – bakeries, and filled the rest of the space with a flea market. So, there’s one booth selling pieces of chocolate cake, and one booth selling chocolate strawberries, and in between were folks selling saris, and mortgage insurance, and, uh, cell phone service. So, while I was trying to get our money back, I asked the organizers what happened. And he said to me, “well, we sent out invitations to all the bakeries in Ventura, and only two responded.” And then what did you do? What about the bakeries that would serve Ventura County, like Camarillo or Santa Barbara? I came from the Valley, just a hop skip and 50-minute jump away. What about bakeries in Thousand Oaks and Woodland Hills? Gah! A potentially good event just completely gone to waste. It hurts me personally because I used to do large scale events like this back in the day. Plus,it was just an insult to chocolate.

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