Save Money, Save Time, and uh, Save Some More Money

I just found out about Bravo Bride which I can only describe as Ebay for wedding stuff. They, of course, feature the dresses on the home page! And, part of the proceeds from each sale goes to the American Heart Associations project for women. Very cool.

And I just got another email from, which offers a quick, online way to change your maiden name to your married name. You get gift cards for friends, too. I’m tempted to send one to Heidi and Spencer.

Oh, and Weddingish, one of my favorite bridal accessories boutiques, is going offering a bunch of Holiday related-sales and events, including $25 off any $100 purchase. Check ’em out.

Personally speaking, I’ve recovered from participating in NaNoWriMo, and am now getting into editing it. Which I don’t know how to do. Having just achieved a life long dream of writing a book, it would be nice to get into shape to present it to the world. But, I’m a fan of process, so I did a search and found Holly Lisle’s website guide to one pass revision editing, which totally works for me. I’m only through my first chapter, but so far, so good.

And, I have time to read again! I just finished the latest in the Sookie Stackhouse series, From Dead to Worse. I got addicted to this series after attending a panel at Comicon for the HBO series True Blood, which is based on the series. They gave away copies of the first book, Dead Until Dark, and I LOVED it. I’ve been reading the series all summer. I was totally thrilled when I found the last book at the library. I’m going to move on from that to Wally Lamb’s latest, The Hour I First Believed.

Business-wise, my Quicksilver client upgraded, so I’m going to help her with the rest of her wedding planning. I also had a couple of potential client meetings yesterday and today, so I’m looking forward to hearing back from them.

Wow, this year went by in a hurry, didn’t it?

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