Video: Not Wedding Related, Just Fun. And TRUE.

This is in no way an endorsement for Axe, but it is an endorsement of YOU, and all of us. One of my ex-grooms posted this on Facebook, and I keep playing it over and over.  Watch it and have your day made. We tend to focus on what we don’t have, instead of celebrating what we do have, and what makes us awesome. That happens a lot in Wedding World, too. You don’t have the money to recreate a Pinterest wedding, you’re not a size 2, you’re having trouble finding a venue/photographer/florist that you love, your parents are being, well…your parents. But you have someone you want to spend the rest of your life with, and friends and family that are f’ing THRILLED to show up and celebrate that with you. And you have time, and options to figure out the rest. As the ad says, “Who needs that other thing when you’ve got YOUR thing?” Work with you got. Because you CAN.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz-0001Liz Coopersmith

Silver Charm Events

What do you want your wedding day to look and feel like? Click here to schedule a complimentary 20 minute phone consult with me, and we’ll talk about how to pull it off.





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