Wedding Wise Wednesday – May 27th

Okay, so all of a sudden over the weekend I’m seeing ads for David’s Bridals $99 sale…which was over on Sunday. Thanks for the notice, guys. I was finally going to replace the dress I rented for my own wedding with something I could wear while I cleaned the house. Oh, well, I guess there’s always next year.

Dinner for Two. Not Three. Or God, Help You, Four.
Speaking of saving money, I found this great idea on the blog “Wedding By Color” on how to word your RSVPs so that the guests that you invite are the only ones that show up. When dinner is somewhere between $50-120 per person, every guest counts.

Forget About the Calligraphy.

Last week I told you about a company that helps you save on calligraphy, this week, I’m telling you how to forget about it all together, while you’re figuring out how to print your invites from Target. You can downloaded “handwriting” fonts for free at I’m rather fond of my name is Saint-Andrew’s Queen Script. Sigh. So Pretty. Thanks to 2000 Dollar Wedding for the tip.

Vases and Bowls for a Buck Apiece
Anyone remember Dollar Tree? Well, they’re online, too, and are selling vases and bowls for $1 each. And they come in cases of 24, or 6, or 8, which means you can get as many as you need for your table centerpieces. For a buck! And, yes, you can take them to your florist and have them fill them. And check out the rest of the website for other party supplies, too. I got this tip from 12k Wedding.

For more ideas on how to save money while you’re planning your wedding, be sure to sign up for my workshop on June 14th. We’re filling up, and you don’t want to miss it. You’ll learn how to save a few thousand dollars, AND I’m feeding you wedding cake. It’s going to be a great day.

Ready to get started? Tell me more about you and your wedding.

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