A Love Letter To The June Brides

I wrote this a couple of years ago on The Broke-Ass Bride, and it still holds true. Enjoy, and Happy Wedding Day!

You’re Almost There…

So, it’s June, which means that between now and Labor Day, which is like, tomorrow, practically, a whole bunch of you are finally – finally – going to walk down the aisle.  All the plans you’ve made over the past months… heck, years even, are about to come  to fruition, right in front of your very eyes. The Marines call a soldier near the end of their tour of duty a “short timer”, and right now, you’re so short, I can’t even see you. It’s almost over.

And, Awww…

Whichever you choose, either the “Whew!” or the “Awww… or somewhere in between (or both)  you have to admit that it’s been quite an experience, hasn’t it? You’ve learned a lot. You’ve not only figured out all this wedding stuff works, but you’ve also found out more about yourself, what you want, and even more importantly, since you’re going to be hanging out with this guy for the rest of your life, how the two of you work together as a team.

What else have you learned? You’ve certainly had many chances to practice and improve your “people” skills, not to mention managing your time . You’ve learned how to negotiate, how to compromise, and how to – and how not to – stick to a budget. At this point, you can rapidly calculate 5 – 18% of anything. At the beginning of this whole thing, you were wondering where to start and how to start, and GAH, frustration! But look at you now – you found your venue, you found your dress, you found your photographer and got through your engagement shoot, you found everything else you needed and wanted. And you learned that all it takes to get that is perseverance and patience, and raising your hand and asking questions that you don’t know the answers to.  And you got from there to here more or less in one piece, just like I knew you would.  You are a frickin’ Rock Star, and you can do anything. Remember that.

“But, Liz!” you say. “I’ve still got a checklist a mile long, and no time to finish it. I’m more stressed out than ever!” Well, yeah. But if  it ever gets to be too much, think about all the cool moments you’ve had along the way: When you tried on your last wedding dress and knew it was the one. The inside joke you and your guy now have because of something the caterer said. The way your stomach hurt after laughing your way through your bridal shower. And smile.

And then think about what your wedding day is going to be like: The look on his face when he sees you coming down the aisle in THE dress. All the people  that you’re so excited to see because you haven’t been in the same room with them for years. Slow-dancing with your husband to your favorite song. How good dinner is going to taste when you execute Rule #3. Think about the music, think about the joy in the room, think that when it’s all said and done, you’re going to be married to the love of your life, and you’ve had a great party to celebrate it. Do me a favor – at some point during the reception, take a good look around the room and soak it in. It’s all there for you. Oh, sorry, one more favor – Enjoy it.

See you at the end of the aisle,

Liz Coopersmith
Silver Charm Events

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