Bridal Magazine Review

Last time I gave you a list of the wedding books and magazines that I think are really good. I took another look at the magazines I recommmended – “Martha Stewart Weddings” and “In Style Weddings” – and thought I’d let you know some of the cool stuff that’s in them. This might be a regular feature. Or at least seasonal, since those two only come out every couple of months. Check it out:

In Style Weddings:

p. 230: kind of a neat decorating idea for the brave among us. If you’re thinking about getting furniture and other decorations for your wedding or reception space, ask a local furniture store or antique shop if you can rent them, for maybe 10% of the rental cost. For the less brave, there are also places that straight out rent stuff like that. One that I’m familiar with is 20th Century Props in North Hollywood, which you can take a look at here.

Also, anyone know the difference between champagne and sparkling wine? Show of hands? The difference, basically, is that champagne is sparkling wine that’s made in the Champagne area of France. So, sparkling wine is the same thing, except way cheaper. There some suggestions of which ones to try in here as well. And remember what I said about the Trader Joe’s wine a while back. No one has to know.

p. 232: The post-cards-as-Date-Cards idea that I mentioned a few days ago, with lovely pictures.

Martha Stewart Weddings:

Page 25 starts a whole section on ways to use the color pink. Basically, pair them with other colors, like brown and red. Examples abound.

Page 78 has a great example of Martha’s DYI spirit – a bride who had her dress made used the leftover fabric to make her groom’s tie and handkerchief’s for family members. Is that cool or what? Makes me wish that I had a DYI bone in my body, wich I really, really don’t. That tip is on the second page of a regular section of the magazine: “What I Learned”.

On page 160, there’s a coupon for amazing, where you can design and send out postcards for Save-The-Date announcements and Thank You notes.

Page 234 has an idea I wish I’d had when I got married, because my husband is a huge fan: Baseball themed favors. Peanuts! Crackerjacks! Chocolate baseballs!

Plus lots of other wedding projects you can tackle,so you know, if you were wondering how to make a linen ring pillow, here’s your chance.

Oh, and Bridezillas. Yeah, okay, I admit it. They’re getting a little crazier.

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